Tuesday, May 02, 2006

this whole ford gay thing

First, the story. If you haven't read it yet, click on the link below:


Why can't people just mind their own business, stick to their own lives, and stop worrying about people's sexual orientation? Listening to one of the talk radio shows this morning on our station, a caller - who agreed with the protest - said (INSERT STUPID DUMB GUY ACCENT HERE), "Why should I - and my family - be forced to follow this gay lifestyle? When it starts affecting me and my kids and the gay agenda gets shoved down our throats, then it becomes MY business."

I don't even want to GO THERE with the "shove it down our throats" comment. But I chuckle, nonetheless.

How a pastor can preach against a company because they choose to advertise to a segmented market is beyond me. How can we be one with God, when we can't be one with all of God's children? Once again, the hypocrisy that abounds in organized religion never fails to astound me.

I just can't believe there are narrow-minded people like this living in 2006. I mean, I know they're out there. It's just that every time something like this comes up, I am shocked all over again.

I personally praise Ford. Heck, I might even buy a Ford. Then I will pick up a copy of "The Bird Cage" and stop by the guy's house who called our station this morning. Maybe I can interest him and his family in a little movie night tonight.

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