Wednesday, April 19, 2006

of course...the plague in la!

Just when I resigned myself to believing that "House" was only a TV show and the diseases presented every week couldn't POSSIBLY really happen to normal people like myself, I clicked on Yahoo this afternoon, only to see this headline:

LOS ANGELES WOMAN HAS RARE CASE OF BUBONIC PLAGUE! Plague. From Fleas. From Dogs. And Cats. I'm screwed. Totally screwed. I have three dogs and a cat - all of whom sleep in bed with my husband and I. Our fruit trees are crawling with rats every dusk (see related story below about the mystery rat in our walls). The dogs chase the rats. The cats EAT the rats. The rats have fleas. The rats carry bubonic plague.

This is not good news for a hypochondriac like myself. I have never been a fan of pesticides like "Advantage" or "Frontline" but I think I'll immediately start my dogs and cat on a program, as well as douse the yard with Nematodes (great way to naturally rid the yard of fleas). Other than that, I am going to be donning a plastic suit for the rest of the year until this plague thing is under control. Or at least until I can be convinced that this was an isolated case.

Why did it have to be L.A.? Why?????

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